Motorized for the Masses
1 Series Motorized projector screens offer the most popular options in ready to order, out of the box configurations making it our best value-oriented product.
Ready to Order
Our 1 Series Motorized screens are available out of the box in standard sizes to make the product not only value-oriented but also give it the capability to be quickly produced and fulfilled.
Max: 133” (3378mm) in 16:9
Standard sizes only. Available in 1” increments. All sizes are measured diagonally. Some materials may be limited in size. All dimensions are listed as seamless.
Aspect Ratios
Installation | Adjustment
Drop is adjustable in the field.
Case Specifications
External configuration only
- White case color option only
- Up to 24-inches of black-drop standard
- Ships with wall switch, IR remote, and low voltage trigger standard